獨立候選人Robert Quigley將選2024美總統

獨立派總統候選人Robert Quigley將競選2024年美國總統。

Robert Quigley出生於肯塔基州的Lexington,目前居住在美國華盛頓特區。作為美國獨立派候選人,他宣布參加2024年的總統選舉。競選組織於2022年4月1日開始,目前已籌集到2500萬美元的捐款承諾。Robert Quigley總統競選團隊正在全美各城市尋找500名本地競選主任。他們的薪酬是5萬美元,並且將獲得所有籌款的25%。他們正在積極招募企業家和志願者來參與競選團隊的運營,填補領導職位,並吸引願意解決美國問題的自願者。如果您認識到美國175年來民主黨和共和黨的統治給大部分美國人帶來了災難,其中1.62億名工作成年人靠發薪日維持生計,數百萬人渴望擁有自己的企業,面臨全球氣候變暖、不足的擁有房屋機會的不足、沉重的學生貸款、壓垮的通貨膨脹和負擔沉重的醫療保健問題,那麼請加入我們的行列。讓我們共同讓美國為所有公民服務。詳情請訪問網站www.RobertQuigleyForPresident.Com

美國正處於十字路口。極端主義和威權主義是不可接受的。獨立派是問題解決者,中立者,談判者和團隊建設者。我們通過深入分析、妥協和傾聽取得成功。最近的民意調查顯示,44%的受訪選民計劃在2024年投票給獨立派或第三方候選人。 75%的選民憎恨民主黨和共和黨。 49%的選民是註冊的獨立派。Robert Quigley作為被提名候選人將在44個州的選票上被列出。截至目前,還有5個州將直接印刷他的名字在選票上。這使得他有權爭取506張選舉人票,而贏得總統需要270張選舉人票。現狀即將終結。

請注意,Robert Quigley在需要時可以參加廣播、電視、播客、谷歌、Zoom和現場活動與籌款活動。我們的網站上有240個視頻,新聞文章可以根據要求提供。在他的全國競選之旅”Robert Quigley For President On The Road To The White House”中,請留意是否有在您附近的場地舉行活動。請在Robert Quigley的網站上註冊支持,並感激您的所有捐贈。非常感謝!

Robert Quigley

Robert Quigley For President

142 Webster St NE,Washington, DC 20011

Cell 202-578-8390




LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-quigley-217a12a

Robert Quigley born in Lexington KY, currently residing in Washington, DC, America’s Independent announces his run for the White House in the 2024 elections. Campaign formation started April 1, 2022 has raised $25 Million in donation pledges so far.

The Robert Quigley For President Campaign is seeking 500 local Campaign Directors in every city across America. Pay is $50,000 and 25% of all funds raised. They are actively recruiting entrepreneurs and volunteers to help staff the campaign, to help staff leadership positions and donors that want to solve America’s problems. If you have come to the realization that 175 years of Democrat & Republican rule has brought catastrophe to most of the US population with 162 million working adults living paycheck to paycheck, with millions striving to own businesses, with global warming, with inadequate homeownership opportunities, with burdensome student loans, with crushing inflationary prices and or with crippling medical care then join the cause. Together let’s make America work for all citizens. See www.


America is at a crossroads. Extremism and authoritarianism are not acceptable. Independents are problem solvers, centrists, negotiators, and team builders. We succeed with deep analysis, compromise, and listening. 44% of recently polled voters plan to vote independent or 3rd party in

2024. 75% of voters hate Democrats and Republicans. 49% of all voters are registered independents. Quigley is on the ballot in 44 states as a write-in candidate. 5 states will print his name on the ballot so far. This gives him access to 506 Electoral College votes with 270 needed to win. The status quo is coming to an end.

Note that Robert Quigley is available for Radio, TV, Podcasts, Google, Zoom, and in-person live events and fundraisers when needed. We have 240 videos on the website. News articles are available upon request. Look for Quigley at a venue near you as he travels the country in his national stump speech campaign tour; Robert Quigley For President On The Road To The White House. Please register your support on Quigley’s website. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a million!

Robert Quigley

Robert Quigley For President

142 Webster St NE, Washington, DC 2001

Cell 202-578-8390




LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-quigley-217a12a

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