

陳博士畢業於新竹交通大學電子工程系,美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 UCLA 電腦博士,為傑出電腦科學家及矽谷成功創業者,創立IC公司Active Design為上市公司高價併購。閒暇之餘愛好寫作,著有《在矽谷喝 Java 咖啡》《超越達文西密碼》《生活方程式》《愛與幽默》《誰怕電腦》等書。科學是他的專業,文學是他的嗜好,文筆清新,題材廣泛,被譽為右手設計電腦,左手書寫文章的全方位電腦界才子型人物。平時熱心公益,曾任美西華人學會會長、電腦學會會長、交通大學校友會會長及北加州華文作家協會會長。

得獎時他幽默的英文致詞引起全場共鳴,他提及: 科技與人文之間,必須加強互動和整合,才能迸發出最美的火花。科技人要立志建立一個創新的平台,為人文藝術提供一個創作的舞台。科技人不但要做一個創意的工程師,也要做一個心靈的工程師。要在邏輯中尋找感情,在感情中尋找邏輯,這樣才能建立起成功快樂的人生觀。[engineers not only want to be successful.  We also want to be happy.  We don’t want to be a nerd, a geek, or a hacker.  We want to be a maker, and a charmer. 不僅要成功也要快樂,不要當書呆、怪胎、或駭客,要當創造者,當可愛迷人的工程師]


陳漢平博士 書籍













I would like to thank the CIE, and the review committee, not just for the award, but for years of inspiration and moral support for bay area engineers.  CIE makes us feel, that we are not alone, that we are among friends.  It also makes us feel, that we are here for a purpose, and we can make a difference.

Silicon Valley engineers are here, not just for the profits, or for the funs.  Seriously, we are here for the greater good for mankind.  Not only that we want to build the best information superhighway, but we want to see the best digital contents running on it.

British engineer and writer, C.P. Snow, once said: “Technology and humanity are two cultures.  They go on two different ways.”  Now is time that we try to do something about it.  We must put the humanity factor into our technology.

Everyday, we are using the Internet, cell phones, microwaves, televisions.  Technology is getting into every aspects of our life.  Now is the time to put some life back into technology.  We would like to see the integration of the two cultures, into one.

By the way, I really think that engineers should do more publicity works. As of now most people fail to see how charming engineers are.  At the end, maybe we will get the money.  Sometimes, we even get the girl.  But, we never get the attention we deserve.  One of the reasons is that we care too much about technology, but not enough about humanity.

Engineers’ mission is to build a platform, or infrastructure, for artists and writers to perform their talents.  We are already using the Internet of Information.  In the afternoon sessions, we are talking about the Internet of things.  Pretty soon, we should be thinking about the Internet of people, or even the Internet or minds.

In Silicon Valley, we often ask this question: “What is the next big thing?”`, or “What is the killer App?”  One day, the killer App will be the combination of technology and humanity, and that one day just may be today.

But, of course, engineers not only want to be successful.  We also want to be happy.  We don’t want to be a nerd, a geek, or a hacker.  We want to be a maker, and a charmer.

Engineering is not just “The Imitation Game”, it is actually “The Theory of Everything”.  Not only that we want to design better machines, but we want to build a better civilization.  I am deeply honored to be one of you.  Thank you very much.





從前,英國工程師和作家CP Snow 曾提出「兩種文化」的說法,指出這個問題。現在科技發展更快,影響更廣,我們需要更進步,提出解答方案。我曾針對這個問題,做過一些演講。







Dr. Han Ping Chen (陳漢平英文簡介)

Dr. Chen is an outstanding computer scientist and a successful entrepreneur, as well as a popular Chinese writer.

He received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from UCLA.  Before coming to the US, he received his BS degree in Electronic Engineering from Chiao Tung University in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

He founded Active Design Corporation, an IC design company.  Before that, he was an engineering director at Hughes Aircraft Company in charge of airborne wafer-scale supercomputer design for fighter airplanes and surveillance satellites.

Dr. Chen has a well-balanced view between technology and humanity.  Besides his electronic and computer profession, he wrote modern poetries, essays, novels, and columns for magazines and newspapers, including World Journal in the US and United Daily News in Taiwan.  He published 5 best-selling literature books, including “Having JAVA in Silicon Valley”, “Above the Da Vince Code”, “Equations of Life”, and “Love and Laughter”.

He also made significant contributions to the cultural and professional activities in the Chinese American community.  He served as President of the Chinese American Professional Society, Chinese Computer Association, Chiao Tung University Alumni Association, and Northern California Chinese Writers Association.


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