“我們國家擁有世界上最安全的食品供應,我們為此感到驕傲,但什麼事也離不開理字兒。” It’s Not Your Fault: Weight Gain, Obesity and Food Addiction (www.HowToEliminatePain.com) 作者之一巴林說。“美國銷售的1.4萬種包裝食品中有諸如MSG、染色劑、玉米糖漿等等添加劑,正是這些成分使得我們成為地球上最胖的國家。”巴林擔任洛杉磯第一HLMO顧問。巴林積極參與這些診療點和康復醫院的管理,包括評估醫生使用,面試醫生和專家和評估醫療事故申訴。這段經歷讓他接觸了一些起伏較大肥胖康復案例。但這不是他唯一的經歷來源。
“在20世紀90年代,我被診斷含有惡性盲腸癌,節段性腸炎, IBD, IBS,痛風和關節炎,我被判斷還有兩年可活。”他補充說。“我一片茫然,不知所措,人不是在床上就是在輪椅上。幸運的是,我的妻子,也是我的作家夥伴阿西利布魯克,是一個護士。她把十年用來幫助我康復,並努力根除多年以來所吃有毒包裝食品所造成的損害。這些食品我們可是想當然地認為很安全,並且每天都吃。包裝食品幾乎讓我致命。”
“Americans who eat fast foods as well as bottled, caned, frozen, packaged foods or even well-known diet foods are becoming chemically addicted to the food additives in processed food,” he said. “This addiction is very real and the primary cause of weight gain and obesity in the U.S. There is no clearer evidence to support our argument than the fact that the increase in obesity problems started in the U.S. after these chemical food additives were placed into commerce. The bottom line is that obesity is not your fault — the culprit is the pre-packaged food that we have been fooled into believing is safe and healthy for us. It’s not healthy for us, and, in fact, it’s killing us.”
The cost for American families isn’t just their health — it’s their wealth, too.
“In a study published in Health Affairs, obesity in the U.S. now carries the hefty price tag of $147 billion per year in direct medical costs, just over 9 percent of all medical spending as compared to 6.5% in 1998,” Barling said. “In fact, people who are obese spend almost $1,500 more each year on health care – about 41 percent more than a normal-weight person. Prescription drug costs average about $600 a year more than a person of average weight – an 80 percent increase. Beyond those costs are the disability and early deaths caused by illness and inflammation secondary to weight gain and obesity. The bottom line is that we need to eat better, avoid the pre-packaged foods on the shelf and go back to fruits and vegetables and meats that are fresh and organically produced in order to avoid the negative outcomes that go with obesity.”
“在Health Affairs發佈的一項研究中,美國的肥胖現在價格標籤是每年1470億元,剛剛超過全部醫療費用的百分之九,這個比例在1998年是百分之六點八。”巴林說。“事實上,肥胖的人每年要多花1500元在醫療上-比正常體重的人醫療費用高百分之四十一。處方藥費用平均每年比正常體重的人多600員。除了這些代價以外,還有肥胖引起的殘疾和早死,以及僅次於增重和肥胖的感染。底線是我們需要更好地飲食,避免貨架上的預包裝食品,回到水果和蔬菜以及新鮮的有機肉上來,只有這樣,我們才能避免與肥胖併發的負面結果。”