Wag Hotel貓狗寵物的五星級旅館

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在美國常見寵物的待遇往往非常人性化。美國寵物消費市場是一個龐大商機。本文所介紹的五星級貓狗寵物高級旅館Wag Hotel,無論設備、服務、人性化思考都是一時之選, 對於有寵物的家庭是有一定的賣點。 


Wag Hotels這座寵物五星級旅館是由Joel 和Ritu創立, 他們是兩位遇到相同問題的朋友。他們因為工作有很多旅行, 但是總是找不到一個地方可以在他們出外期間照顧他們的愛狗。對他們的狗來說, 養狗場和常見的寵物寄託店似乎不是安全、可靠和舒適的地方。於是, 他們萌發了開發狗旅館的念頭, 他們希望開辦的狗旅館不僅提供超出一般水準的優質服務, 而且還保證寵物將得到一個對動物有真正愛心和理解的護理員的關愛

服務 &費用

Wag Hotels分別在Sacramento、San Francisco和Redwood City均有分店。首家分店在2005年於 Sacramento開張, 最新的一家分店則於去年11月18日在Redwood City開張。Wag Hotels 實施每週年 7天每天24小時不打佯服務, 客戶可以在任何時間辦理入住和結賬手續, 在自己最方便的時候領取或托養自己的寵物。並且旅館對入住時間長短沒有限制。旅館提供寵物美容服務, 並向入住一周以上寵物提供免費沐浴服務。 Redwood City分店有150個寵物房間, 一次可以有300隻狗同時入住的容量。

如果您工作、旅行、辦事、住房改建或者有時只是自我單獨清靜一下, 那麼你就可以使用 Wag Hotels。所有Wag Hotel分店都設定最高等級衛生和健康標準及方法, 包括實施嚴格的疫苗政策、全壓力可沖洗地表面(非草皮)、天窗以及戶外區域。 三個分店全部裝備最先進空氣過濾系統, 分隔狗活動區域和貓活動區域, 引入室外新鮮空氣而非讓空氣在旅館內迴圈。

費用:標準房 $48/晚起, 豪華套間 $90/晚, 超豪華套間$150/晚。 貓房間統一價格:$30/晚。


Standard Wag Rooms

包括飲食、鍛煉和遊玩以及房間清潔。Wag Hotel 提供雞肉或羊肉狗食, 以及有機食品(另外付費)。客戶還可以依據自己需求自帶食品, 如有必要, 亦可自帶藥品。

Deluxe Wag Suites

包括架高床、Netflix和Pandora節目電視、晚間 “Suite Treat”以及 24/7網路視頻方便主人隨時通過電腦或移動設備觀看自己的寵物。

Ultra Suites

Wag Hotel為寵物所提供的最高等級食宿服務, Redwood City分店寬敞的房間都以當地街區命名, 比如 “Woodside”, “Sand Hill” 等名稱。每個房間配備記憶泡沫床墊、大螢幕HDTV、24/7網路視頻和Skype對話、晚間散步以及夜宵和護理員故事時間。

Deluxe和 Ultra Suites包括 “All Day Play”環節, 讓客戶愛狗全天跑跑跳跳、戲耍打鬧。Standard Rooms包括兩次為時一小時的組隊遊玩活動。狗依據大小、脾氣和遊玩風格進行分組, 確保安全和照顧的方便。客戶還可以在結賬離開旅館時獲得一張報告卡。這張報告卡告訴客戶他們的愛狗在旅館吃了什麼, 遊玩時交了什麼新朋友。


Wag Hotels根據假日和季節的變換不斷推出主題和促銷行動。

“Valentine’s Day Date Night”馬上就到了, 客戶可以讓自己的寵物在這個假日週末入住旅館, 狗狗在這個節日裏也可以得到貼心照顧, 和自己的夥伴快樂地玩個痛快。

4月每日 12-2pm, Wag Hotels將在Redwood City的 Red Morton Park. 主辦一個社區活動 “Easter Egg Hunt for Dogs”,屆時有抽獎、與復活節兔子一起拍照以及零售活動。您可以訪問 http://www.eventbrite.com/e/5th-annual-wag-hotels-easter-egg-hunt-for-dogs-redwood-city-tickets-10516303547線上報名。


所以, 如果您和您的寵物要分開一段時間, 無論是旅行、工作還是週末外出, 你需要為它尋找一個安全有趣的逗留之地, 那麼考慮一下您附近的Wag Hotel !  更多資訊, 訪問: http://waghotels.com/  或致電: 650-364-0800 (Redwood City 分店)


Wag Hotels: Luxury Stay and Services for your Dog or Cat

Reported by Jocelyn Ho

The Story

Wag Hotels was created by Joel and Ritu, two friends who kept running into the same problem. They travelled a lot for work, yet could never find a place to keep their beloved dogs while they were gone. Kennels and typical pet lodgings either seemed uncomfortable, unsafe or unreliable for their pets.  That’s when they came up with the idea of a dog hotel that not only offers luxury services and quality, but also a guarantee that your pet is cared for by a caretaker with true passion and understanding for animals.

Service & Rates

Wag Hotels has three locations: Sacramento, San Francisco and Redwood City. The first flagship hotel opened in Sacramento in 2005, and the newest Redwood City hotel opened November 18 of last year. Wag Hotels are staffed 24/7 with anytime check-in/check-out so clients can pick up and drop off their pet whenever is most convenient their schedule, and there is no limit to the length of stay. Grooming services are also available, and guests of 1-week or more receive a complimentary bath. Redwood City’s location has 150 rooms, with the potential capacity for up to 300 dogs.

Clients use Wag Hotels for numerous reasons including work, travel, running errands, having construction done on their homes, and even just having some time alone to themselves. All Wag Hotels have top sanitation methods and health standards; including a strict vaccine policy, all pressure-washable surfaces (no grass), sky lights and an outdoor area. Each hotel equips a state-of-the-art air filtration system, which separates the air between the dog and cat areas of the hotel and brings in fresh air from outside the facility rather than recycling within the building.

Rates begin at $48/night for standard rooms, $90/night for deluxe suites, and $150/night for ultra suites. Rooms for cats are a flat rate of $30/night.

Rooms: Standard, Deluxe, Ultra Suites

The hotel boasts numerous room and package options for furry overnight guests. “Standard Wag Rooms” and service includes feeding, exercise and play sessions, and room cleaning. Wag Hotel offers chicken or lamb dog food, as well as an organic option for additional cost. Clients are also allowed to bring their own food if their pets require a special diet, and medications if necessary.

“Deluxe Wag Suites” include an off-the-floor bed, television with Netflix and Pandora, nighttime “Suite Treat” and 24/7 webcam so owners can see their pets anytime via computer or mobile device. “Ultra Suites” are the highest luxury accommodation at Wag Hotels, and Redwood City’s spacious rooms are named after local neighborhoods like “Woodside” and “Sand Hill”. Each private room features memory foam mattresses, large screen HDTVs with Netflix and Pandora, 24/7 webcam with Skype sessions available in the evenings, evening stroll, and nighttime snack and storybook time with the caretaker.

Deluxe and Ultra Suites include “All Day Play” passes where dogs get to run and play for the entire day, while Standard Rooms include two one-hour long play groups (or 50% off the All Day Play pass. Dogs are separated in these playgroups by size, temperament, and play style for safety and care. Clients also receive a “Report Card” at the end of their dog’s stay, telling them what their dog ate, what friends they made during playtime, their behavior, and more.


Wag Hotels feature themed events and special promotions for some holidays and seasons. “Valentine’s Day Date Night” is coming up, where clients can book their pet into a Wag Hotel for the holiday weekend, and dogs will be treated to pampering care and fun games with other furry guests at the hotel. In April, Wag Hotels will be hosting a community event “Easter Egg Hunt for Dogs” at the Red Morton Park in Redwood City from 12-2pm. There will be raffle prizes, photo time with the Easter Bunny, and local vendors. You can register online at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/5th-annual-wag-hotels-easter-egg-hunt-for-dogs-redwood-city-tickets-10516303547.

So if you find yourself needing a safe and fun place for your dog or cat to stay while you are away on travel, work or wanting a weekend away, consider a Wag Hotel near you!


For more information on services and pricing, visit: http://waghotels.com/

or call: 650-364-0800 (Redwood City Location)


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