
Balance by CCHP 及投保加州(Covered California)想提醒社區,加入或轉換健康保險的開放登記期將於1月31日結束。請把握時間,登記投保。

保障將於 21日生效。如在 1 月 31 日前加入或轉到 Balance by CCHP,您的健康保障將於 2 月 1 日起生效。擁有全面周詳的醫療保障,讓您及早未雨綢繆,輕鬆面對突如其來的轉變。

提供更多財務緩助。2023年有更多高收人士獲得政府的財務緩助。通過去年簽署的《通脹削減法案(IRA)》,收入不超過 $54,360 的個人或收入不超過 $111,000 的家庭現合資格獲得月費及/或分攤費補貼。現時,很多人只支付 $1月費便獲得全面的醫療保障。


Balance by CCHP 是一個三藩市本地的保健計劃,專為灣區的華人及亞裔人士而設,並適合在三藩市及聖馬刁縣生活或工作的人。此外, Balance by CCHP的醫護及會員服務團隊也同樣來您的社區,這意味著您的醫療花費絕大部分都會留在社區內。您也許會問,為什麼其他人會選擇非本地的保險公司。但我們可以肯定的說,醫療保健毋庸置疑要由一間本地公司來提供。

Balance 提供一系列不同月費的計劃,可以滿足您及您的家人不同的預算及醫療需要。只要符合收入條件,您的月費可低至$1,甚至$0。我們友善及專業的服務代表可協助您選擇一個合適的計劃。


查詢詳情,請致電1-888-371-3060、發送電郵至 或到訪


CCHP(華人保健計劃)是一個扎根於三藩市的本地保健計劃,為超過 13,000 多名三藩市及聖馬刁縣會員 提供個人及家庭、公司及團體、以及 Medicare Advantage 計劃及保障。CCHP 同時透過分支品牌 Balance 在投保加州交易市場上提供個人及家庭計劃。

始創於 1986 年,CCHP 的宗旨是通過迎合會員文化及語言的服務來提供優質及可負擔的醫療保險,從而改 善社區居民的健康。更多 CCHP 資訊,請到


Balance by CCHP and Covered California would like to remind the community about the upcoming deadline for joining or switching their health plan coverage is January 31, 2023. There is still time but you must act today.

GET COVERAGE STARTING 2/1/23. If people join or switch to Balance by CCHP by the 1/31/23 deadline, they will begin their coverage on 2/1/23. Having health plan coverage is all about having a sense of security in knowing in case something unexpected happens.

MORE FINANCIAL HELP AVAILABLE. In 2023, many more people with higher income levels will receive financial help from the government. Because of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) law that was passed last year, individuals with incomes of up to $54,360 and families with incomes of up to $111,000 can receive help pay for premiums or cost shares or both. Many people pay just a $1 a month for full coverage.

This is the time to think about your healthcare needs for this year. Do you plan to get medical care more or less often this year? Were you recently diagnosed with a health condition? There is probably a better plan for your situation. Even if nothing has changed, maybe you just want a plan that suits you better – You have choices.

Balance by CCHP is for people who live in San Francisco or San Mateo County. It’s a SF based health plan that caters specifically to Bay Area Chinese and Asians. This means there are independent neighborhood doctors and nurses who will care for you and more of your healthcare dollars stay in the community. You might ask why some people go with a large out-of-the-area corporation – healthcare is definitely local.

Balance offers many options at various price points to suit you and your family’s unique need. You can get plans for little as $0 or $1 a month, depending on your income. Balance has friendly experts who will help you pick the best plan for you.

So, don’t miss this last chance to make sure you have the right health insurance coverage. Go into the new year with the peace-of-mind knowing you got yourself and your family covered.

To find out more or for help: Contact 1-888-371-3060 or emailing or go to for Individual & Family in the Covered California exchange.


About CCHP

CCHP (Chinese Community Health Plan) is a San Francisco-based health plan providing coverage to over 13,000 Individual & Family, Employer Groups, and Medicare Advantage plan members in its San Francisco and San Mateo County service areas. CCHP Individual & Family plans are also available through Covered California health insurance exchange under the sub-brand Balance.

CCHP was founded in 1986 with the mission to improve the health of its community by delivering high-quality, affordable healthcare through culturally competent and linguistically appropriate services. Visit:

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