

老中地方新聞為慶祝創報五週年,暑假期間8月3日週六中午12時至下午6時將在Redwood City(紅木城)的Courthouse Square(法院廣場)舉辦一場大型的戶外文化街會,預計將吸引中外人士數千人參加此一盛會。這次活動媒體贊助單位包括了美洲東森電視、Corssing TV、92.3FM廣播電台、矽谷華人電台96.1fm、Goldenlink 粵語台、佳訊集團、新浪網及灣區中文網等,將會全力宣傳此一活動。


贊助商包括TK Noodle、紐約人壽、新學友教育中心、生元中醫診所、冠軍影音、雅舍音樂教室、美國藝術學院、金麥食品公司、江鴻骨傷中心、林智昱律師、趙宵律師、王師傅汽車修理廠、李克涵牙醫、臥龍街、傳奇美美容中心等等  當天活動除了邀請本地的文化藝術團體外表演外,會場有超過50攤位以上,供遊客購物、索取各種實用的資訊、禮品及兒童遊戲。餐點將由紅木城著名的臥龍街餐館提供各種美食飲料,包括台灣小吃、香腸、炒米粉、貢丸湯、排骨飯等  老中地方新聞並在活動當日定時舉辦免費抽獎活動。目前攤位還有少許位置,歡迎有興趣者提出申請。當日活動每小時提供免費禮物抽獎,只要有抽獎券就有機會中獎。我們8月3日紅木城見,不見不散。 650-369-4680;  408-315-4871



Event: News for Chinese Summer Cultural Festival

Date: Saturday August 3rd, 2013

Time: 12 noons to 6:00 pm

Location: Courthouse Square Redwood City


Event Description:

This is going to be the first annual summer Cultural Festival hosted by News for Chinese and City of Redwood City.  It features 50 vendor booths including gifts, toys, music store, book shop, antique furniture, Chinese costume photo op, ping pong game, health food product, free health evaluation from Chinese acupuncturist, insurance, financial advice, dentist, and numerous community services.  Hidden Dragon Kiosk by Crouching Tiger Restaurant in Redwood City will offer traditional Taiwanese night market delicacy: minced pork over rice, hand made Taiwanese sausages, fried rice noodle, pearl milk tea.  The covered outdoor stage in Courthouse Square will present rich, cultural performances with folk dance, noodle pulling demonstration, opera mask changing, traditional art of storytelling, and Chinese orchestra music.  A children’s play area will also be available.  Come with the whole family to enjoy an afternoon of fun cultural enrichment.


Stage performance lineup:


12noon –12:30 pm Opening Ceremony


1:00 pm –1:30 pm Sichuan Opera Mask Changing,

Noodle Pulling Demonstration

2:00 pm to 2:30 pm Classical Art of Storytelling by Chinese American historian            Charlie Chin


3:00 pm to 3:30 pm Jane Huang Dance


4:00 pm to 4:30 pm South Bay Chinese Orchestra


5:00 pm to 5:30 pm Studio One Karaoke Champions



Performance Description:


Sichuan Opera Mask Changing

Mask changing is a technique in Sichuan opera.  The performer changes 5 or more masks that depict different emotions in rapid succession. The changing of mask itself takes less than a second, which maximizes the theatrical effect.  The faces of the masks represent joy, anger, sadness, exultation, or surprise.  Famous performing artist Jian Dong Zhang will be featured in News for Chinese Summer Festival 2013.


Noodle Pulling Demonstration

Hand pulled noodles are said to have much better biting texture than machine made ones.  Master Chef from China Way will show off his life long skills of pulling noodle from a lump of dough to thousands of strings of noodle so thin you can literally thread a needle with it.  Al Dente!!!


Classical Art of Storytelling

This isn’t your ordinary storytelling.  Classical storytelling in China is a folk art performed in teahouses, private events of wealthy landlords.  Charlie Chin the famous Chinese American historian uses simple props like a paper fan, a handkerchief and his immeasurable voice and performing talent to portray all characters within a story.  The result is a storytelling session so mesmerizing you have to remind yourself to blink.

“Tale of White Snake and Green Snake”  will be presented in English.


Jane Huang Dance

Jane Huang has 18 years of dance teaching experience.  She is a member of the Chang-sha Dancers Association and the Hunan International Ballroom Dancing Association.  Jane has performed professionally in more than 40 states and in internationally acclaimed venues such as Kennedy Center, New Walt Disney Concert Hall, Waterman Theatre, War Memorial Opera House.  Jane utilizes scientific methods to train her students to build a solid technical foundation, at the same time inspires the creativity and artistic expression in performing style.  On August 3rd, her students will present Little Flower Fairy, Xin Jiang Dance, Don Quixote, Mongolia Dance etc.


South Bay Chinese Orchestra

SBCO is composed of music lovers from all over the Bay Area.  Its members are from all walks of life.  By performing in numerous community events over the years, SBCO has successfully introduced Chinese folk music into the mainstream society.  Audience will get a live experience of sounds and sights of traditional Chinese musical instruments like er-hu, guzheng, pi-pa, dizi, ran, dulcimer, drums.  Four pieces will be presented on August 3rd, Gathering of the Heroes, Good Flower Full Moon, Golden Snake Dance, Three Six.


Studio One Karaoke

If one ask what is the one form of entertainment that best represent the Chinese pop culture?  The answer is Karaoke.  Driven by the endless needs for indoor entertainment, Karaoke machine was invented by the Japanese well over 20 years ago.  In no time, the trend spread like wild fire all over Asia.  Karaoke is enjoyed by young and old, from professionals to armatures.  Studio One is a professional recording studio which offers voice training , stage presentation, performing style, as well as an agency to promote stardom.  Two professional singers will be presented in this event, bringing the audience a taste of popular Mandarin songs.

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