Fremont 小火車「玩」「味」新定義

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在這個什麼都愛炫愛耀的年代,Fremont的小火車絕對是你其中一個Facebook分享理由 – 我來到了全美第一間迴轉火鍋店啦,是不是很羨慕?

小火車這個名字很妙,故名思義,就是把「小小」的「火鍋」配料從「車」上送到面前,也就是其最大賣點。今年10月開店以來,不少貪玩的食客慕名而來,一嚐迴轉壽司的兄弟 – 「迴轉火鍋」的滋味。


玩 – 說的當然是迴轉火鍋輸送機,一人一鍋的概念。

小火車的出現絕對冒險,沒人知道它的被接受程度。美國食客對火鍋仍存舊有印相,就是一群朋友點很多很多菜,選擇湯底要少數服從多數,大家圍著一個鍋滾啊滾,什麼熟了就夾上來,想吃丸子嗎?好啊,夾給你,最後自己吃過什麼都糊里糊塗的。Adam 深明此理,毅然放膽一試,把迴轉概念放到火鍋,一人一鍋,想吃什麼就拿什麼,想要什麼湯就點什麼湯。



味 – 說的就是正宗的台灣風味。

有人說Fremont愈來愈像個台北了。只要是出於Fremont的,幾乎所有台式食店的水準都不錯,食客的口味也愈來愈刁鑽。老闆Peter告訴我們小火車不但要達到「Fremont」水準,還要做到味中之最!幾位老闆來往台美兩地頻繁,常作美食交流 –業界非常有名,掌管湯底製作及配菜質素的現任小火車大廚,就是Peter專程從台灣聘請過來的,俗語有云「不是猛龍不過江」,看來大廚真的給我們美國食客帶來了一點台灣「真」味道。


吃火鍋當然少不了配菜。除了迴轉配菜之外,還有九個精心設計的套餐,如上選雞肉、海鮮、豬肉、神戶牛肉套餐…旨有菜有肉,每個套餐都附有豆腐、金針菇、生菜、丸子、蝦等等,營養均衡。筆者點了個羊肉套餐,已經非常豐盛夠吃,但還是被款式極多的特色配菜迷到…天啊,竟然有蛋餃、菠菜麵和天婦羅!小手又不自覺把美食拿下來了。一些食物為保持新鮮不會「上車」,客人仍可隨時回顧菜單,服務員會把新鮮食物(如:扇貝、生蠔) 送上。


43817-43829 Boscell Rd Fremont, CA 94538(510) 657-5555

新推出: 週一至四下午5時後迴轉火鍋任吃 (成人$22.95/ 小童$12.49)


New “Little Hot Pot” Restaurant opens in Fremont

Hot pot is one of the most traditional dishes in Chinese cuisine, especially within the country of Taiwan. Most Asian cuisines have their own version of hotpot, whether it resembles more of a noodle soup or stew dish, but Taiwanese hotpot is renowned for its simple formula of broth and a wide range of accompanying foods that you place into the boiling soup to cook and enjoy.

Little Hot Pot brings a new twist to the classic Taiwanese delicacy in Fremont. Started by a group of four friends in the Bay Area, their inspiration to open this restaurant came from their shared passion for the authentic Taiwanese hotpot and culture. That brings in the topic of the “twist” to this classic: the restaurant’s layout is incredibly modern and chic, resembling the atmosphere of a lounge that one would visit after work for drinks and socializing. Bright textured orange wall decor, crystal chandeliers, stainless steel serving carousels, and electronic music adorn the place, giving it a completely unique feeling than that of the average hotpot restaurant, much less Chinese restaurant.

The creators wanted to provide the best of both worlds to their customers–a hip and lively environment in which to enjoy a timeless dish, with countless menu and drink choices. Little Hotpot offers 8 different choices of broth, and all these are prepared by the head chef who was brought from Taiwan to ensure the most authentic flavor. There is also a “Sauce Bar” with a plethora of different sauces, dips, and condiments for customers to create a sauce that best suits their taste. Another one of the restaurant’s highlights is a sleek rotating carousel that loops infinitely around the tables. Similar to the sushi boat concept, customers are able to pick the condiments they want directly off the moving belt and directly cook it in their own pot.

The Little Hotpot offers a unique dining experience with authentic flavor and a diverse range of meal options. The restaurant is especially popular with younger audience, but it still all-age and family appropriate. Stop by sometime to try out some of the “Taiwanese Spicy”, “Tom Yum”, “Creamy Milk” or the widely loved “Stinky Pot” broth, and mix-and-match your own ingredients (beef, lamb, chicken, seafood combos and more) to create the ultimate personalized hotpot!


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