
由行政院農委會委託,外貿協會執行的「台灣石斑魚推廣記者會」於10月25日下午1時30分在美國舊金山知名餐廳Alexander’s Steakhouse舉辦,

邀請米其林星級法國主廚Mr. Claude Le Tohic透過創意料理手法,展現臺灣石斑魚特有的鮮甜及Q彈口感。



多年來率領團隊多次摘星的Claude Le Tohic,現為舊金山ONE65餐廳主廚,曾至台灣舉辦客座饗宴活動的他,對台灣食材相當瞭解。他表示,台灣石斑魚從頭到尾、由裡到外都能料理,魚皮Q彈、魚肉鮮甜,無腥味,且少刺多肉很適合西式料理。因此他特別示範三道創意石斑魚料理,石斑魚佐朝鮮薊白酒醬、香煎黑椒石斑魚配嫩菠菜與椰汁咖哩石斑魚,展現石斑魚適合各類烹調方式的特性。


Michelin star chef demonstrates techniques and recipes using Taiwanese grouper

In order to introduce the most delicious fish Taiwan grouper to the US market,  Taiwan Trade Center, San Francisco hosted a press conference and a mixer at Alexander’s Steakhouse in Cupertino on Oct, 25th 2022.  This event was initiated by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan of Taiwan and cooperated with Michelin star chef Claude Le Tohic.  By using Taiwan grouper, the chef demonstrated various techniques and recipes in fusion cooking.  About 40 journalists, seafood importers, dealers, group buying wholesalers and restaurant professionals are invited to sample tasting of Taiwanese grouper in a fine-dining setting.

Minister Chi-chung Chen of the Council of Agriculture shared through video that there are eight species of farmed grouper in the world, and Taiwan accounts for seven of these species.  “The grouper farming industry in Taiwan is very well-known in the world. Overcoming many challenges, Taiwanese groupers are cultivated in open seas to ensure perfect taste without any chemical additives.”  James Huang, Chairman of Taiwan External Trade Development Council, an expert of fish introducing via the film the benefits from Taiwan grouper which was also selected as one of the dishes in state banquets.

John Chu, deputy director of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco, tried Taiwanese grouper in Western-style dishes at the event. “The taste and seasoning are perfectly matched. Taiwanese grouper can be eaten from head to tail. We are excited that Taiwanese grouper is heading to the US market.”  Joan Tsou, director of the Taiwan Trade Center in San Francisco also mentioned, “Taiwanese Grouper is available in both online and in-store markets, as well as many restaurants across the U.S. now.  We hope to share the best dish to all American families.”

Chef Claude Le Tohic presented Grouper in Artichoke Barigoule Sauce, Grouper with Black Pepper Sauce and Baby Spinach, and Grouper with Curry Sauce on the event. Le Tohic is currently the head chef and Partner at ONE65, a six-story multi-concept culinary destination in San Francisco. Throughout his career, he has led his team to win many Michelin stars, and has also held guest banquets in Taiwan. “Mixing and matching ingredients has become the definitive American way of cooking,” said Le Tohic, “it suits the country’s unique mix of ethnicities.”

Taiwanese grouper is tender, delicious and has relatively high moisture. It is not widely known that Taiwan is a major exporter of grouper in the past.  In fact, fish farmers in Taiwan have been raising grouper for decades, and Taiwan has gained a reputation as the “grouper kingdom”.

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