Taiwan is waiting for you! 歡迎一起來探索隱藏在亞洲的秘境國度吧!

交通部觀光局委託台灣觀光協會建置「Time for Taiwan 線上台灣館」,正 式於台灣時間 9 月 1 日上線囉!歡迎全球旅客踴躍上線參觀,我們要告訴全 世界:台灣已經準備好等待大家的到訪。自 2020 年初全球受 COVID-19 疫情 影響至今未歇,旅行不再是說走就走的自由移動,也限制了觀光旅遊業者親 自向世界推銷台灣的機會!交通部觀光局希望突破疫情、時間、空間的限制, 運用數位科技建置【Time for Taiwan 線上台灣館】,匯集精彩多元的台灣主題 旅遊和影片介紹、觀光圈、國家風景區及各地區的觀光景點和遊程,以及食 宿遊購行等各類的產品,提供全世界的旅客和旅遊業者一個最快速、最方便、 最完整的台灣旅遊資訊平台,其中最重要的是希望藉由線上台灣館,讓因疫 情無法親自赴國外參展的觀光相關業者及單位,補足能量一起宣傳台灣!


線上台灣館比照實體旅展,兼具專業展及一般民眾展的功能:針對旅遊 2 業者的商務洽談交流需求,規劃「Business Lounge」和「Conference Room」, 供業者自由交流和線上辦理 B2B 說明會與旅遊交易會。除了 B2B 的功能限於 業者登錄使用外,一般民眾只需連結網址即可進入台灣館,盡情瀏覽探索台 灣!「Travel Taiwan 展區」提供北中南東及離島地區的觀光景點和遊程,及 各部會推薦的原住民族部落、各式文化體驗、休閒農業遊程、客庄遊程及山 林旅遊等主題;「Experience Taiwan 展區」則是每個月針對不同客源市場辦理 各種線上體驗活動,如遊程產品介紹、直播小旅行、趣味有獎徵答等,透過 虛擬實境的模式傳達台灣旅遊獨特魅力。此外,有關食宿遊購行等業者的產 品介紹,則分別依來訪台灣的主要客源市場設立日、韓、港澳、北美、泰、 星、馬、菲、越、印尼、紐澳、歐洲等 12 個專屬展區,讓國外業者及民眾直 接到自己國家的展區逛展,讓大家在國境開放後,可以立刻來台灣開啟一趟 在地、獨特又安全的深度旅行。


交通部觀光局張錫聰局長表示,希望在疫情之下無法如常出境旅遊前, 不管是曾經來過或是剛計畫要來台灣旅行的世界旅人,都能透過電腦或手機 進入展館參觀並獲得最新的旅遊訊息;尚未將台灣列為優先選擇的旅人們, 也能在展館裡看見台灣各地的多元人文、自然生態、美景美食,大家一定可 以在台灣找到最吸引自己的旅遊元素。張錫聰局長、葉菊蘭會長與所有台灣 觀光旅遊相關人員誠摯地邀請全球業者以及旅人們,在未來一年的展出期間 到線上台灣館探索這座隱藏在亞洲的寶島秘境!館內推陳出新、豐富多元的 3 精彩主題和活動,絕對讓您會一來再來,一逛再逛!而台灣絕對是在後疫時 代得以安心暢遊,讓世界旅人再次踏上旅程的首選之地!We are waiting for you! Taiwan is waiting for you!

Time for Taiwan 線上台灣館網址:www.timefortaiwan.com.tw

Taiwan is waiting for you!

Come Explore This Magical Country Hidden Away in Asia!

The Time for Taiwan Virtual Exhibition will go live on September 1 st (Taiwan time). The Virtual exhibition was created by the Taiwan Visitors Association for the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, MOTC. Travelers from around the world are invited to take this new virtual tour of Taiwan. It’s our way of telling the world: Taiwan is ready and waiting for everyone to visit! Due to COVID 19, which began in early 2020, travel no longer implies going wherever you want whenever you want. Also, due to the pandemic, travel and tour operators have been unable to market Taiwan in person to the world. With Time for Taiwan Virtual Exhibition, the Taiwan Tourism Bureau aims to use digital technology to break through the pandemic’s restrictions in terms of both time and space. The Exhibition brings together varied and fascinating information on travel attractions and itineraries for each part of Taiwan, as well as themed information on topics such as dining, accommodations, attractions, shopping, and transportation. It provides travel and tour operators around the world with a fast, convenient, and complete Taiwan travels information platform. Our goal is for the Time for Taiwan Virtual Exhibition to provide tourism-related operators and others in the industry who’ve been blocked by the pandemic from participating in overseas travel exhibitions an opportunity to promote Taiwan!

Just as with physical travel exhibitions, Time for Taiwan Virtual Exhibition offers areas for both travel professionals and the general public. A Business Lounge and Conference Room section provides an area where tour operators can engage in business opportunity discussions. Here, participants can easily conduct B2B meetings and offer travel marts. While the use of the B2B area is limited to registered operators, the registered operators, Exhibition Exhibition offers many offers many areas that are open to the general public. Without areas that are open to the general public. Without logging in, visitors can explore Taiwan to their heart’s content! In the logging in, visitors can explore Taiwan to their heart’s content! In the Travel Taiwan Exhibition AreaTravel Taiwan Exhibition Area, visitors can find information about tourist attractions and trip itineraries Taiwan visitors can find information about tourist attractions and trip itineraries throughout Taiwan — northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan, as well as our outlying islands. Thematic areas are central, southern, and eastern Taiwan, as well as our outlying islands. Thematic areas are provided that include recommendations for visiting indigenous villages, engaging in cultural provided include recommendations for visiting indigenous villages, engaging in cultural experiences, going on leisure agricultural outing experiences, going on leisure agricultural outings,, strolling in strolling in Hakka villages, and enjoying trips to Hakka villages, and enjoying trips through our mountains and forests. Another section, the through our mountains and forests. Another section, the Experience Taiwan Exhibition AreaExperience Taiwan Exhibition Area, features, features online experiential activities directed at travelers from various locations. These monthly events online experiential activities are directed at travelers from various locations. These monthly events include introductions to tour products, live to tour products, live-streamed short trips, and fun quizzes with prizes. They streamed short trips and fun quizzes with prizes. They help convey Taiwan’s unique travel charms via virtual reality. The site also includes information to help convey Taiwan’s unique travel charms via virtual reality. The site also includes information on specific topics, such as food, accommodations, travel, shopping specific topics, such as food, accommodations, travel, shopping, and transplant transportation, for visitors rotation, for visitors from 12 source markets: Japan, Korea, Hong Kong & Macao, North America, Thailand, Singapore, from 12 source markets: Japan, Korea, Hong Kong & Macao, North America, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia & New Zealand, and Europe. This provides Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia & New Zealand, and Europe. This provides overseas operators and the general public overseas operators and the general public with an excellent way to access travel information relevant ith an excellent way to access travel information relevant to their own specific market. This makes it even easier for travelers to plan and enjoy a local, unique to their own specific market. This makes it even easier for travelers to plan and enjoy a local, unique, and safe, and safe in-depth trip to Taiwan as soon as our national borders reopen. depth trip to Taiwan as soon as our national borders reopen.

Director-General director General of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, Chang ShiChang Shi–Chung, noted that this new online Chung, noted that this new online Exhibition will provide travelers from around the world, whether they’ve visited Taiwan before or Exhibition will provide travelers from around the world, whether they’ve visited Taiwan before or not, with a fast and convenient way using a PC or smartphone to obtain the latest transit, with a fast and convenient way using a PC or smartphone to obtain the latest travel information el information on Taiwan even before the borders reopen. Travelers who just want to learn about Taiwan, and on Taiwan even before the borders reopen. Travelers who just want to learn about Taiwan, and haven’t yet decided on a trip, can browse through the Exhibition and receive an introduction on our haven’t yet decided on a trip, can browse through the Exhibition and receive an introduction on our country’s diverse cultural tapestry, natural country’s diverse cultural tapestry, natural ecology, beautiful scenery and tasty food selections. The logy, beautiful scenery, and tasty food selections. The virtual exhibition will certainly help visitors discover a wide range of travel attractions that will pique virtual exhibition will certainly help visitors discover a wide range of travel attractions that will pique their interest in visiting Taiwan for themselves. their interest in visiting Taiwan for themselves. Chang said that he joins with Taiwan VisitoChang said that he joins with Taiwan Visitor r Association Chairwoman Yeh ChuAssociation Chairwoman Yeh Chu-lan and all of Taiwan’s travel and tourism plan and all of Taiwan’s travel and tourism-related associates to related associates to warmly welcome tourism operators and travelers from around the world to visit warmly welcome tourism operators and travelers from around the world to visit Time for Taiwan Time for Taiwan –– Virtual ExhibitionVirtual Exhibition during its one-year exhibition period and year exhibition period and explore this magical country hidden away in Asia! The Exhibition will be continually updated and refreshed. Its rich themes and activities are in Asia! The Exhibition will be continually updated and refreshed. Its rich themes and activities are sure to have people visiting and browsing through it time and time again! In the posture to have people visiting and browsing through it time and time again! In the post-pandemic era, pandemic era, Taiwan will suTaiwan will surely be a top worriedly be the top worry-free destination of choice for visitors as the world begins traveling free destination of choice for visitors as the world begins traveling again. We are waiting for you! again. We are waiting for you! Taiwan is waiting for you! Taiwan is waiting for you!

The Time for Taiwan Time for Taiwan –– Virtual Exhibition: www.timefortaiwan.com.tw

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