

美國並沒有很大的乒乓社群。尤其是德國與中國,常常有着出類拔萃的偶像選手及傲人的成績。幸運的最近有許多乒乓俱樂部成立於南灣地區。此項運動確實有着增強頭腦和增強體力的效果.。有些學校將此球例為課外活動,這與以上以往 將視為非主流運動“basement sport.”的徧見,,又有着顕着的改變。現在有興趣都可參與乒乓球活動和競賽! 也許我會在下次競賽中見到你。


Ping-Ping Popularity

Table tennis, or colloquially named ping-pong, is a very esoteric sport that has been on the rise in the Bay Area. America does not have a big table tennis community compared to the rest of the world. Countries such as Germany and China are the rising forces with many iconic players. Luckily, table tennis has been increasingly popular in the San Francisco area. As of today, there are numerous clubs mostly concentrated in the SouthBay. There are, however, clubs popping up in the EastBay as well. Table tennis is a life-long passion that has virtually no injuries and uses as much brain power as mental strength. To master the game, one must train both physically and mentally. The recent upsurge in table tennis has encouraged some schools to offer table tennis as an extracurricular activity. This is a great step forward to bring table tennis out of the stereotype of being a “basement sport.” Fun for the whole family, table tennis offers many a way to build confidence in a sport that they would not have done otherwise. Tournaments can be found throughout the whole Bay Area. One does not have to be an advanced player to join a local club or to play in a tournament. So, get out there; join a club, and maybe I will see you at the next tournament!

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