


The Spirit of Volunteering.

This is no time of year filled with more stress, tears and anxieties than the college admission season. Every year, millions of American teens buckle down to take the SAT and AP exams while putting the finishing touches on their resume. However, unique trend has accompanied the difficulty of college admissions. The recent upsurge of volunteerism is speciously altruistic. Many heading social psychologists point to another anterior  motive.Therefore, the college acceptances are on the rapid decline. Doing Volunteer work in order to get in to college lacks the Volunteer spirit. Volunteering should be an intrinsic act of kindness not an avenue to get into college. Nonetheless, the surge of Volunteers is efficacious to society those who Volunteer as teens will Volunteer as adults as well. When these adults have families, they will encourage their children to Volunteer. This will create better communities to live in as well as help the society.

Jared Wong

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