第十屆年度Dad’s Count活動凸顯父親意義


昨天上午,第十屆年度Dad’s Count”早餐會在在Redwood CitySofitel Hotel舉行。這個年度活動由San Mateo縣Fatherhood Collaborative 組辦。該組織由多個委員會於2000年聯合成立,並得到The First 5大力協助。該組織旨在通過舉辦以推廣和強化父親在家庭中所承擔角色和作用的專案,推動幼童和家庭的健康發展。父親在兒童發育中發揮一個關鍵作用,特別是在兒童第一個五年成長期這一時期對兒童以後的個性和生活方式具有重大影響。

加州參議員Jerry Hill、Fatherhood Collaborative主席Patrick Ledesma、First 5 執行主任Kitty Lopez和縣經理John Maltbie等貴賓參加了這一活動。在他們看來,更加健康的孩子和更加穩定的家庭內外關係源自積極投入的、富於支持的和展現活力的父親。他們攜手努力,致力於捍衛和宣導這一認識。

Fatherhood Collaborative定期舉辦促進孩子和家長交流的活動。今年夏天在在Coyote Point舉辦的Dad and Me公園活動表現不俗,有超過700人參加。缺乏父親形象對家庭有負面影響,並進而對社區產生負面影響。通過支持父親,我們就是在支持母親和孩子,就是為更為穩定和光明的未來鋪平道路。

多年以來,Fatherhood Collaborative的影響力與日俱增。Jerry Hill認為,這個組織不僅全力支持父親,而且支持家長權利、推動家長向著最佳。最投入和最有愛心的目標努力。因在支持家庭友好型生活方式和通過工作政策福利實現生活工作平衡上表現優異,三家當地較大企業和一所公立學校獲得頒獎表彰,它們是:InnVision Shelter Network、Electronic Arts、Facebook和Cesar Chavez & Green Oaks Academy。


10th Annual Dad’s Count Breakfast by Fatherhood Collaborative of San Mateo County

The 10th Annual “Dad’s Count” Breakfast took place yesterday morning at the Sofitel Hotel in Redwood City. This annual event is put together by the Fatherhood Collaborative of San Mateo County, which was formed back in 2000 by various committees and large involvement from The First 5 organization. The mission of this partnership is to support young children and their families by investing in programs that help increase visibility and awareness of fathers’ rights to support their own families. Fathers play a crucial role in their children’s development, especially during the first 5 years, which in turn has heavy influence upon their personality and lifestyle later on.

California State Senator Jerry Hill, Fatherhood Collaborative Chair Patrick Ledesma, First 5 Executive Director Kitty Lopez and County Manager John Maltbie were some of the honored guests at the event and who have worked together to defend and advocate for the belief that engaging, supportive, and lively dads result in healthier children and stronger relationships within and outside the family.

            The Fatherhood Collaborative regularly hosts events that promote bonding time between children and parents, and this past summer’s “Dad and Me” park event hosted at Coyote Point had an outstanding attendance of 700+ attendees. Lack of father figures has a negative impact on family, which in turn has a negative impact on community. By supporting fathers, we are also supporting mothers and children, and paving the path for a more stable and bright future.

            Over the years, the Fatherhood Collaborative has grown in impact and influence. Jerry Hill explained that the organization is not only exclusively supportive of fathers, but parental rights overall—the right to be the best and most engaged and loving parent you can be. 4 awards were presented to local and larger businesses, as well as a public school, for their support of a family-friendly lifestyle and work-life balance through their work policies and benefits: InnVision Shelter Network, Electronic Arts, Facebook, and Cesar Chavez & Green Oaks Academy.

Report by Jocelyn Ho

For more information you can visit www.fatherhoodcollaborative.org.

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