詐騙集團針對人性弱點設局  三日之內被騙$2,450

在美國生活了20多年,自認對人生歷練已有一定的功力。常聽到媒體報導詐騙集團如何採用各種方式騙取財物,覺得這種騙術怎樣也不會發生在自己身上。騙子就算找上我,憑我的經驗及對人性了解決不會上當受騙。 但就在2017年感恩節前夕,本人在陰溝裡翻船,受到詐騙集團設局詐騙,損失$2,450。為了不讓華人同胞遇到類似騙局,現將我的經驗,公佈在老中新聞,提醒大家千萬不要再受騙。這個詐騙方式,以租屋為魚餌,先付現金支票,讓房東卸防,成為受害者。

詐騙集團能夠得逞,多是利用人性的弱點。事情是這樣的,就像許多華人讀者,投資地產當收租公。我有一棟出租屋,平常我將房間分租給房客,收房租。上個月有一間房間空出,為了填補收入,就馬上在美國最大的免費分費網站craigslist.com  登了一個租屋廣告。廣告一登出,收到了6個申請人的回覆想要租我的房間,只有一位由名字上顯示是中國人的女士表示:她女兒要到San Jose 唸研究所,對房間有興趣。他會請女兒直接與我聯絡。 一天後,收到這位女士的女兒電郵,她簡單的介紹了自己、包括名字、年齡、個性及家庭背景,她能說流利中、英文。她的父親是美國人。要求得到更多租屋的訊息。包括房東姓名、租屋地址、有無停車位、房租、房東的連絡電話等等,她父親可以先將房租以美國現金支票( cashier check)寄給我存入帳戶,確定她已將房間租下了。 這一切看來是很正常。 由於我工作繁忙,就讓我太太接手處理這位房客的事宜。隔日,我太太收的簡訊,這位女學生表示:現金支票已經寄出,她詢問我們最近的機場是在那個城市,並希望我們可以去接機。她說:她的車子要運過來,所以支票總金額已經將運車費用一起寄來,要請我們幫忙幫她去領車。太太與我都對這種要求覺得不對勁。所以發簡訊,提醒她我們可以去接機,但取車部份不幫她處理。但,她似乎聽不懂我們的意思,表示快遞的支票我們收到了嗎?收到的話,請立刻存入銀行,並領取$1,450現金到Wal-Mart  匯款到指定運車的人士。

這時我們已經感到情況有點奇怪,但由於我們的女兒也在國外居住,了解留學生隻身在異鄉的確需要有人協助,就想好人做到底。我們特別趕到出租屋查看支票是否收到,拆了信封,一張由德州寄來的$3,000支票。依女生指示,馬上到銀行查了支票,提領$1,450現金,確認支票應該是沒問題的。我們馬上趕到Wal-Mart  匯出$1,450現金。此時,詐騙集團已經將我們導入預設人性弱點陷阱。

第二天我太太又收到這位女生的的簡訊,運車公司表示:匯出的錢不足,需要再匯$1,000要求我們以同樣方式匯給運車德州總公司。此時,我們感到非常不對勁,夫妻討論結論是不是這位年輕的女留學生涉世不深,可能遇到詐騙集團,框她的錢。我就請太太直接打電話給女孩警告她一下。撥話後,對方無人接電話,而是Google voice的留言。(在事前的簡訊,女孩表示她現在阿拉斯加的一個島上實習,電話無法聯絡)。一時心軟,所以依她指示又到銀行領現金,將第二筆$1000款項匯出。我們算一算、她的支票總額為$3,000還有幾百元在帳戶內,應該沒有問題。



  • 避免採用craigslist免費分類服務,據報導每年有太多騙局發生在此網站上。
  • 避免使用有自己的名字在上面電郵,詐騙集團若將您的名字、電話、地址在網上搜尋,很容易掌握您的許多資料
  • 所有由外州來的聯絡都要格外小心。
  • 千萬不要匯出任何金錢要求,就算對方支付您信用卡或現金支票,這些都可以被止付的。
  • 不要聽信任何人指示到Wal-Mart等匯款公司做匯款動作或匯款給任何不認識的人與公司。








Thanks for your quick response, I’m interested in renting the room. Myname is XUE YANG i was born in China (Hangzhou) i speak both English &
Chinese , am single, fun, loving, clean, loyal and respectful of others, don’t have any pet. More about me, my father is from US and my
mother is from China my dad came across my mother in China Lol. I’m 22yrs going to 23 yrs Nov 20th, sex female, i attend Hangzho
University of China, graduated a year ago.

I’m coming to stay for a year, my main purpose of coming down to USA is for my master’s. I’m currently in Alaska in a village “Nunivak
Island” on a research work. I will be back in less than 2 weeks. I will be paying for the room by Check from my dad before my arrival… I
will be arriving Nov 25th or you can email me back the available date i can move in, I’ll loved to call you but here is a remote area calls
are very hard to go through, kindly understand my situation and please e-mail me some picture of the room because i will not be able to come
over and check on it before renting.

Please tell me little about yourself…if you are a student?, working?,married or single?, if there is a garage or parking space because i will be coming with my own car. Let me know the total amount for the first month rent, i will be paying upfront so that you can be rest assured that am really interested in renting the room from you.

My mode of payment is US Cashier Check , so please feed me back with the following details so that i can ensure you are ready to rent the
room to me.

Below is the details needed to mail out the check to you!

* Full Name:-
* Address:-
* Apt#:-
* City:-
* State:-
* Zip Code:-
* Cell & home phone number:-
* First month rent:-

Look forward to read back from you with the requested details, so that i can forward it to my father to issue out the Cashier check from his
personal account for the deposit and month rent upfront as soon as possible, with that you can hold on the place prior my arrival..Than
you for your time and I look forward to genuine and honest replies/responses. No games, or endless emails.

Regards and Stay Blessed




Hey, Its quite funny and sound nudy,now that you got my payment and you never respond or update me what is going on… Am wondering why you haven’t get back to me since i confirmed it that they have delivered the payment to you & more so i have been informed that it has cleared and i sent you all the details and the Car delivery person information to send the money to, yet you keep silent,but i must tell you that there is no way you can ripe me off because i will definitely track you down and have my money back since the bank has give out the money and yet you keep silent.if you decide not to rent the room to me anymore then let me know and send my money back to me and don’t play with me because it is dangerous to do so…for your information i have been to the cop about this and they inform me to be patient for you today and if i get no mail from you then your contact information will be send to local authority.I don’t mean to be rude to you cos you know it quiet that this is not my first time of transacting on craigslist…it will be good for us to be honest and sincere to each other,kindly tell me whatever going on to know what you are up to..Because i am so scare due to lots of scam going on craiglist and you are the kind of people craigslist is looking for that ripe one’s money and play lots of con practising.
Note: Your Address, phone number and other information to track you are with me…and all the conversation here have been save and they have checked that …and they are giving you only 24 hours to respond back..otherwise..you will contacted soon



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