
也許您經常聽到,在職場上工作,硬實力固然重要,但軟技巧 (soft skill)對於升遷或者工作的保障更有其獨特的重要性。軟技巧的精進,如同學習做人,是一個長期而一直有改進空間的修練。在異國文化生活,更有許多需要注意的事項可以向達人討教。

今年中工會希望多舉辦幾場軟技巧的教學與研討會。在4月29日,中工會請到Elaine Kung講有效溝通以及個人品牌。Elaine 是中工會達拉斯分會的理事,在公司裡以及達拉斯分會教導增強軟技巧以及領導力多年,還因此得過許多獎,是非常好的講師。我們在去年曾請到她前來灣區演講不同的課題,造成參與聽眾一致的好評。這次研討會是中工會充滿自信的推薦活動。在兩個多小時內,Elaine 將會講解許多內容,例如如何發表反對意見,如何做面試,如何給人留下深刻印象,等等。您學到的技巧將對您未來每天工作上有所幫助,增強您職場實力。這些對您生涯發展將很有助益。這是難得的機會,請別錯過。


What is effective communication?How do you deliver the message clearly and effectively?What is the message sent with certain facial expressions, tone, body language, and posture? How could you improve them?
How could you disagree and express your different opinions in meetings effectively?
How do you prepare ourselves to do public speaking?  For interviews?
How do you communicate in private to achieve a goal?  How to express criticism?  Affirmation?
How do you want to improve your communication skills?
How do you build your personal brand?


Time:  4/29/2017  1:30PM (Sat.)

Venue:  Cadence Building 10, 2655 Seely Ave, San Jose

Registration: https://ciesfsoftskill2comm.eventbrite.com



Soft Skill Training II: Effective Communication and Personal Branding

On 4/29, the popular soft skill session is back again!  You can learn key skills to be effective in your business communications in a variety of settings such as presentations, meeting discussions, networking interactions, and interviews. The goal is to equip you to navigate and climb the corporate ladder or lattice, to be a better manager in leading your team and working with others, and building your personal brand:

-What is effective communication?
-How do you deliver the message clearly and effectively?
-What is the message sent with certain facial expressions, tone, body language, and posture? How could you improve them?
-How could you disagree and express your different opinions in meetings effectively?
-How do you prepare ourselves to do public speaking?  For interviews?
-How do you communicate in private to achieve a goal?  How to express criticism?  Affirmation?
-How do you want to improve your communication skills?
-How do you build your personal brand?
Date:  4/29/2017  1:30 PM (Sat.)
Venue:  Cadence Building 102655 Seely Ave, San Jose

Registration:  https://ciesfsoftskill2comm.eventbrite.com
The early bird registration is $5 only. On-site entrance fee will be $10.

Speaker:  Elaine Kung, Director, AT&T
Board of Directors, VP of HR, Advisor to Young Professionals, CIE-DFW Chapter
Elaine Kung’s career at AT&T spans over 30 years, from technical R&D at Bell Labs, business marketing in a wide range of telecom products to operations. She has achieved millions in revenues and delivered profitability initiatives. Her recent career moves went from wireline, mobility, fiber broadband, analytics, and now to network on demand and service integration. She received AT&T-sponsored executive education from Columbia, Cornell, and Wharton. Elaine graduated from Cornell with B.S. in Electrical & Materials Science Engineering, from Princeton with M.S. in Electrical Engineering. She frequently speaks at conferences, universities, churches, nationwide events in the States and in Asia. She serves as board member and advisor to various organizations including CIE-USA/DFW. Elaine was recognized by such awards as the WOC (Women of Color) STEM Career Achievement Award, Successful Women in Business, Most On-Fire Manager. Elaine’s journey is a remarkable turn coming from a very poor family, living on the edge, then 30 years later, living the American dream.
More details from CIE website


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