Alexander’s Patisserie 10月16日在Mountain View市區開張

以奢華的東西方烹飪融合風格而著稱的Alexander Steakhouse正進入精美點心和甜點的領域。

10月16日,Alexander’s Patisserie將在Mountain View市區209 Castro Street隆重開張,首次將原汁原味的歐洲點心和烘焙食品帶到灣區。

vanilla tart

Dries Delanghe是Alexander’s Patisserie新的點心主廚。出生在比利時,Delanghe14歲開始投身烘焙事業,在比利時Ter Groene Poorte烹飪學校學習烘焙和點心制作。他的職業生涯從布魯塞爾的五星級Hotel Les Sangliers des Ardennes和Patisserie de Baere 開始,並在巴黎世界聞名的馬卡龍店Pierre Hermé磨練自己的技能。在加入Alexander’s Patisserie之前,自2010年起,他一直在拉斯維加斯MGM度假酒店的米其林三星Joel Robuchon Restaurant擔任點心副主廚。

peach saffron


Alexander’s Patisserie提供新鮮味美、種類繁多的烘烤甜點。從面包、三明治、蛋糕、果餡餅以及曲奇到馬卡龍、巧克力和其他點心,所有配料均為當地采購,價格合理。所有產品可堂食亦可外帶,提供婚禮、生日、周年慶典和其他特別活動點心定制。


Delanghe主廚將他的風格描述為“經典和現代的融合”,並稱自己很享受使用那些讓他回想起孩提時代的配料創制點心。在隆重開業之前,他將自己的時間用在試驗和完善多款新創甜點上-並且鼓勵顧客品嘗他試制的每一款產品。Alexander’s Patisserie還將提供特色飲料,主打一款由Equator Coffee轉為其設計的特別咖啡飲品。


Alexander’s Patisserie將於10月16日向公眾開放,當日營業時間為上午10點到晚上10點。正常營業時間為週日到週三上午6點到晚上8點,週四到週六上午6點到晚上10點。

Alexander’s Patisserie Brings Authentic European Pastries to the Bay Area: Grand Opening October 16th

Alexander Steakhouse, known for its luxurious East-West fusion cuisine, is expanding its horizons into fine pastries and desserts. Alexander’s Patisserie is set to open October 16 at 209 Castro Street in Downtown Mountain View, bringing the first truly authentic European pastries and bakery goods to the Bay Area.

Dries Delanghe is Alexander’s Patisserie’s new Executive Pastry Chef. Born in Belgium, Chef Delanghe started baking at the tender age of 14 years old, and had formal training from Belgium’s Ter Groene Poorte school of culinary arts in baking and pastry making. He began his career at the 5-star Hotel Les Sangliers des Ardennes and Patisserie de Baere in Brussels, and continued to develop his skills at the world-renowned macaron shop, Pierre Hermé in Paris. Prior to Alexander’s Patisserie, he was Pastry Sous-Chef at MGM resort’s 3 Michelin star Joel Robuchon Restaurant in Las Vegas since 2010.

Alexander’s Patisserie will offer an extensive selection of savory and sweet treats baked fresh in-house. Ranging from breads, gourmet sandwiches, cakes, tarts, and cookies, to macarons, chocolates and other confections, all ingredients will be sourced locally and sold at an affordable price. All products will be available to enjoy in-house or to-go, and custom orders for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions will be available.

Chef Delanghe describes his style as “classic with a modern, playful twist”, and enjoys creating pastries with ingredients that “remind me of my childhood”. He has spent this period before the grand opening experimenting and perfecting several dessert creations—and encourages visitors to come try everything he has to offer. Alexander’s Patisserie will also serve speciality beverages and drinks, and will feature a special coffee blend, specifically designed for the bakery by Equator Coffee.

In the last stages of preparation, Alexander’s Patisserie will open its doors to the public on October 16, with special hours from 10am—10pm. Regular hours will be 6am—8pm Sunday through Wednesday, 6am—10pm Thursday through Saturday.

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