

灣區政大校友會舉辦中秋烤肉活動將訂於星期日, 9月8日上午11時在東灣  Kennedy Grove Regional Park (6531 San Pablo Dam Road,  El Sobrante, CA) 舉行. 校友會將準備豐盛的烤肉及可口餐點, 並安排豐富的娛樂節目, 包括民歌欣賞, 陳萍帶領大家做拉丁有氧健身運動, 舒活筋骨, 以及有趣的遊戲.  李仁龍帶領的 Hiking Club 9月份活動也合併在當天下午舉行.  大家可漫步在風景優美的寬闊草原, 擁抱大自然.  中秋烤肉活動是一項十分受歡迎的活動, 歡迎校友們闔家光臨.  請現在就報名, 期待與大家共度一個愉快的中秋佳節.

校友會也將舉辦 yard sale.  校友們可以清理家中不用的東西, 二手或全新的用品.  需要的人可以低價買到, 可資源回收.  全部收入將捐給校友會. 歡迎校友們帶著您的家人, 朋友踴躍參加.  期待大家的參與, 聯絡感情, 為這次活動留下美麗的回憶.

費用:  大人 $10,  小孩 (6-12)  $5, 長者 (70+) $5

支票抬頭請支付“NCUAA-NC”, 請寄到 Amy Chang (1085 Caggiano Ct. San Jose, CA 95120)

報名截止: 8/31


江宜芳 (Emily Chiang): emily.chiang@cbnorcal.com   650-796-2285

簡美雪 (Amy Chang): snoweeamy@yahoo.com   408-464-6633


Carpool 請聯絡: 衡孝英 (Caroline Heng): caroline_heng@yahoo.com  408-366-0678


Yard Sale 及志工請向廖富美 (Michelle Wu) 登記 wu.michelle@principal.com, 408-821-8279.

請校友儘速報名參加.  感謝您的支持與合作!


活動組組長: 耿德馨及簡美雪, 廖富美, 張莉綺, 衡孝英, 江宜芳, 吳敏君, 杜希婷, 程長龍 敬邀



From SF Peninsula

1. Cross Bay Bridge, stay on the left lanes and go Hwy. 80 ( Sacramento ).

2. Pass Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito and exit San Pablo Dam Road.

3. Make a right onto San Pablo Dam Road. Go all the way.

4. You’ll pass about 12 intersections / traffic lights until all the residential areas are behind you. Then you’ll begin to climb an uphill slope.

5. Very soon, Kennedy Grove appears at your left. Make a left turn you’ll face a winding downhill road to the parking kiosk.


$5.00 per car.


If you take San Mateo Bridge, do exactly the same as above – you’ll have to turn to Hwy. 880 ( Oakland ) first and then merge to Hwy. 80 when you pass Oakland.  Make sure that you stay on the RIGHT lanes so that you’ll make it to Hwy. 80. Otherwise, you’ll go to Bay Bridge and San Francisco.



From South Bay

1. Take Hwy. 680 North ( Sacramento ) – highly recommended!

2. Go all the way on 680 and stay on the right lanes after you pass Alamo. You then will merge to Hwy. 24 West ( Oakland ).

3. Stay on 24 and exit Orinda.

4. Make a right onto Camino Pablo. You’ll pass the residential area of Orinda. Stay on the same road and the road name changes to San Pablo Dam Road.

5. You’ll enter a scenic drive. San Pablo reservoir is at your right. Hill slopes at your left. Once you pass the entrance of San Pablo Reservoir, begin to REDUCE speed, go about another quarter of a mile, the entrance of Kennedy Grove lurks at your right. You have to make a SHARP right turn onto a winding downhill road to the parking kiosk.


If you decide to take Hwy. 880 ( Oakland ) please follow the same directions as that of the SF Peninsula goers.


From Oakland and Berkeley

1. Take Hwy. 24 East ( Walnut Creek ). Cross Caldecott Tunnel.

2. Exit Orinda. Make a left onto Camino Pablo.

3. Follow the same directions as that of South Bay goers who take Hwy. 680 North.

From Marin

1. Take Richmond / San Rafael Bridge.

2. Stay on Hwy. 580 West and exit Harbor Way. Left onto Harbor Way and then immediately right onto Cutting. Go all the way until you reach the entrance of Hwy. 80 East. Go onto Hwy. 80 East.

3. Follow the same directions as that of SF – Peninsula goers.




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